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🗂️ Outline

<aside> 👀 What is this place ?

Who am I ?

I'm a 23 year old French computer science research engineer specialising in machine learning and data processing. Passionate about what I do, I only live to learn new things, discover, experiment! I'm lucky enough to love what I do and the incredible world we live in and I'm often told that my enthusiasm and joie de vivre are the best proof of that! 🙂

I hope that this far too long, egocentric and self-enhancing introduction has given you some insight into the person I am. Of course, I've been careful not to tell you about my terrible flaws and my abominable sense of humour, but I hope you'll have the opportunity to discover them yourself if I'm lucky enough to cross your path one day! 😉

Wishing you an excellent visit on this site in which I put all my heart, and which, I hope, represents me enough. 🦦


What do I do ?

🏆 Projects and work in computer science, mathematics & machine learning

Projects and work in computer science, mathematics & machine learning

Note that many of the projects I have done are not listed here because I did them during my schooling at Epita and the conditions of enrolment forbid me to share my code for fear that students from later years would be inspired by it. If you want further information about projects I've done, feel free to write me at [email protected], I'll be happy to answer you.

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🐙 Scientific articles summary

Scientific articles summary

Out of personal curiosity, I try to read about one scientific article per week that I summarize for my own purposes. It seemed to me that it might be interesting for some people to have access to these summaries, as personal and incomplete as they may be. This is the objective of this section.

🖊️ Scientific publications & Articles I wrote

Scientific publications & Articles I wrote

The publications I have done in my life. These are scientific papers as well as popular articles and essays. Some are more accomplished or complex than others but the reason I have listed them here is that they represent a considerable amount of work and I think they may help some people or provide information about the type of work I produce.

🎶 Music, Composition & Improvisation

Music, Composition & Improvisation

“Les passions font moins de mal que l'ennui, car les passions tendent toujours à diminuer, tandis que l'ennui tend toujours à s'accroître.” "Passions do less harm than boredom, for passions always tend to decrease, while boredom always tends to increase.”

De Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly

🛠️The tools I use


Every day life

My passions

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